Saturday 30 March 2013

Smart drug movie - Limitless (Movie Trailer Official) - YouTube

Uploaded on 21 Dec 2010 - Follow Us!

Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro star in Limitless, a paranoia-fueled action thriller about an unsuccessful writer whose life is transformed by a top-secret "smart drug" that allows him to use 100% of his brain and become a perfect version of himself. His enhanced abilities soon attract shadowy forces that threaten his new life in this darkly comic and provocative film.

Aspiring author Eddie Morra (Cooper) is suffering from chronic writer's block, but his life changes instantly when an old friend introduces him to NZT, a revolutionary new pharmaceutical that allows him to tap his full potential. With every synapse crackling, Eddie can recall everything he has ever read, seen or heard, learn any language in a day, comprehend complex equations and beguile anyone he meets—as long as he keeps taking the untested drug.

Soon Eddie takes Wall Street by storm, parlaying a small stake into millions. His accomplishments catch the eye of mega-mogul Carl Van Loon (De Niro), who invites him to help broker the largest merger in corporate history. But they also bring Eddie to the attention of people willing to do anything to get their hands on his stash of NZT. With his life in jeopardy and the drug's brutal side effects taking their toll, Eddie dodges mysterious stalkers, a vicious gangster and an intense police investigation as he attempts to hang on to his dwindling supply long enough to outwit his enemies.

Aniracetam Cognitive Enhancers Unlock Limitless Potential - YouTube

Uploaded on 25 Jan 2012 Aniracetam is marketed as a cognitive enhancer, but probably anti-anxiety medication is a fairer term. It doesn't make me smarter, just more focused and less distracted. That does let me do more "smart" things, and be more productive, and sleep better, and generally have a higher quality of life, but it wasn't like I instantly hand photographic memory.

Aniracetam has drastically improved my quality of life, but I am not a doctor, so review your medications with your physician before you changes to your prescriptions.

Brain's Use of 'Alternative Energy' May Be Related to Alzheimer's - Dana Foundation

By Jim Schnabe - February 23, 2011
How does amyloid beta protein (A-beta) harm cells in Alzheimer’s disease? Why is this harm concentrated in certain brain regions? Researchers don’t know, but two studies published in the Oct. 12, 2010, edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggest a plausible explanation.

According to the studies, the regions where A-beta deposits are seen in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s closely match the regions that normally rely heavily on less-efficient but faster processes of energy production in cells. The studies’ authors propose that A-beta in its disease-driving forms might impair these processes, and thus might principally harm the brain regions that most depend on them.

“It really opens up a lot of questions,” says Pierre Magistretti, a neurobiologist and brain metabolism researcher at the Ecole Polytechnique Federal in Lausanne, Switzerland, who wasn’t involved in the research. Magistretti is a vice-chairman of the European Dana Alliance for the Brain.

“It suggests that we should expand our view of what the cell-biological problem in Alzheimer’s might be,” says Marcus Raichle, a neurologist and neurobiologist at Washington University at St. Louis who was senior author of one of the two papers. Raichle is a member of the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives.

Glycolysis for speed

The basic energy-molecule used by living cells is adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Adult cells usually make it in a multi-step process that includes the simple sugar glucose and oxygen and leaves water and carbon dioxide as byproducts. But there are faster, less-efficient ways of turning glucose into ATP, and some cellular processes in the brain depend on them. These faster processes, which don’t require oxygen, account for only 10–15 percent the adult brain’s use of glucose and are used more extensively by fetal cells and cancer cells, and by muscle cells during intense exercise.

Raichle has been researching brain metabolism for several decades, including developing functional imaging technology that tracks the brain’s use of glucose and oxygen. In a paper in Science in 1988, he and his colleagues found that these non-oxygen-consuming uses of glucose in the brain increase temporarily when brain activity increases. “The question of what is really going on there has been lingering in the back of my mind since then,” he says.

Several years ago, Raichle informally examined brain-metabolism data taken during functional imaging experiments and noticed that these alternative uses of glucose seemed to vary considerably from region to region in ordinary brains. Also piquing his interest was the observation that the regions that relied the most on these alternate energy processes appeared to be the ones that make up the “default mode network,” a set of brain regions that are relatively active when a person is not engaged in any specific task.

Raichle and his fellow metabolism researchers pioneered research on the default mode network, but in recent years Alzheimer’s researchers have taken an interest too, because the regions that make up the network are also the ones that gather the most A-beta deposits. That connection prompted Raichle and his colleagues to set up a formal set of studies.

In one study of 33 young adults, the researchers mapped the levels of these non-oxygen burning uses of glucose in resting brains, using positron emission tomography (PET) scans. They found that the levels of “aerobic glycolysis”—a catchall term for these alternative processes—did vary throughout the brain, and corresponded closely to the default mode network. In the second study, the researchers found a strong correspondence between the more aerobic-glycolysis-dependent regions in these 33 young brains and the regions that had accumulated signs of A-beta plaques in brain-imaging of 39 elderly people. The plaques largely spared the regions that showed average or below-average aerobic glycolysis—even if their overall energy use was high, such as in the visual cortex.

One possible explanation for the finding is that these alternate glucose uses are especially vulnerable to disruption by A-beta. For example, Raichle points out that glucose-fuelled processes are used by helper cells known as astrocytes to keep concentrations of the neurotransmitter glutamate below toxic levels in the synapses of cortical neurons. In principle, disruption of these processes by A-beta could lead to the deaths of the neurons. Magistretti’s group recently showed that A-beta in its disease-causing forms does alter the metabolism of astrocytes, apparently putting them under stress and ultimately weakening the neurons they are meant to protect. “One of the things that astrocytes do is to remove A-beta from the extracellular space, and then somehow they have to degrade it, but this is an extra burden for them,” says Magistretti.

Recent studies also have linked Alzheimer’s to G3PD, an enzyme that among other functions is needed for glucose-fuelled glutamate management:  People with ordinary late-onset Alzheimer’s are more likely to have certain variants of G3PD, which may be less functional than normal; and A-beta clusters have been reported to cause G3PD to aggregate and become dysfunctional.

Magistretti suggests that one way to investigate further would be “to follow from an early age, in transgenic mice that overexpress A-beta, their glucose utilization and their A-beta deposits, and see how they develop over time.”

William Powers, a neurologist at the University of North Carolina whose own research has uncovered evidence of a similar abnormality in glycolysis in Huntington’s disease, suggests testing to see whether glucose use affects A-beta deposition rather than vice-versa. “This could be done in an animal model of Alzheimer’s by feeding a diet high in fat and low in carbohydrates, which will reduce glucose availability to the brain and decrease cerebral glucose metabolism,” he says.

Helping the brain use alternative fuel may ease symptoms of Alzheimer's

By (BPT) - March 11, 2013

(BPT) - Whether a patient faces a simple health problem, such as a head cold, or one as complex as Alzheimer’s disease, relieving the symptoms is often as important as resolving the issue itself. Yet for the more than 5 million Americans affected by Alzheimer’s, treating the symptoms is even more vital.
Some of the early signs of Alzheimer’s include memory loss that disrupts daily life, mood and personality changes, and difficulty solving otherwise simple daily tasks.

Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth-leading cause of death in the United States, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. Of the top 10 causes of death, it is the only one for which there is no cure or preventive measure. However, research suggests that addressing one early facet of the disease – decreased blood sugar in brain cells, also known as diminished cerebral glucose metabolism (DCGM) – may help relieve symptoms for certain people with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s.
In a healthy brain, glucose is the primary energy source. A brain affected by Alzheimer’s doesn’t process glucose into energy as efficiently as a healthy brain.

“Unlike other cells in the body that can metabolize fats as fuel, brain cells rely on glucose (sugar) for their primary energy source,” says Dr. Richard S. Isaacson, associate professor of clinical neurology and vice chair of education at the University of Miami’s Miller School of Medicine. "One aspect of Alzheimer’s is that it hinders the brain’s ability to use glucose, and this significantly affects brain function.”

“DCGM is an early feature of Alzheimer’s disease, represented by region-specific declines in brain glucose – or energy – metabolism,” Isaacson says. “DCGM correlates with both the cognitive decline and the pathology associated with Alzheimer’s. Research suggests that addressing DCGM may help mitigate symptoms for some patients.”

Providing brain cells with an alternative energy source may help ease the effects of DCGM, while enhancing memory and cognitive function in Alzheimer’s patients. One prescription-only medical food aims at helping Alzheimer’s patients by addressing DCGM – Axona by Accera, Inc.

The easy-to-mix, once-daily drink is currently the only prescription therapy for patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s that addresses the link between the brain’s inability to process and use glucose with the degenerative symptoms of Alzheimer’s by providing the brain with an alternative energy source. The liver digests and metabolizes Axona to produce the naturally occurring compounds – ketones– that the brain can use as an alternative energy source. Patients or caregivers mix the powder with other liquids or foods and take it once a day in conjunction with commonly prescribed Alzheimer’s medications.

“More research is necessary to determine the exact reasons why DCGM can have profound effects on cognition over the long term,” Isaacson says. “When blood glucose drops rapidly, significant decline in cognitive function occurs and may be accompanied by confusion, coma and even brain death.”
While Axona is not a cure for Alzheimer’s, it can help some patients mitigate the symptoms of the disease. Doctors and caregivers of patients using Axona have reported patients appear more alert and engaged in daily activities and conversations. “If you or a family member experience symptoms such as poor short-term memory, changes in behavior and difficulty with language, see your doctor for a full evaluation,” says Isaacson.

To learn more about Alzheimer’s disease, visit, the website of the Alzheimer’s Association. For more information on DCGM and Axona, visit

Fructose Affects Your Brain Very Differently than Glucose

Fructose Affects Your Brain Very Differently than Glucose

Startling NEW Evidence: This Drink Causes Your Neurons to Stagnate for 20 Minutes...

February 28, 2011 | 216,539 views | + Add to Favorites

Aniracetam (& episodic memory) - Nootropic Review - YouTube


Published on 27 May 2012
Review of the nootropic/cognitive enhancing drug Aniracetam.
Aniracetam is of the racetam family of drugs, the most famous of which is Piracetam. It does not elect any psychoactive effects such as being a stimulant, but is purported to improve memory and overall cognitive function.

I believe it did have an effect, but was extremely mild and arguably non-demonstrable. I would rate Aniracetam 5/10

How Much Glucose Does the Brain Really Need? | Mark's Daily Apple

We now know that the oft-repeated “your brain only runs on glucose!” is wrong.

I’ve mentioned it before, and anyone who’s taken the time to get fat-adapted on a low-carb Primal eating plan intuitively knows that your brain doesn’t need piles of glucose to work, because, well, they’re using their brain to read this sentence.
Obviously, you eventually adapt and find you have sufficient (if not much improved) cognition without all those carbs. That said, some glucose is required, and that’s where people get tripped up. ”Glucose is required” sounds an awful lot like “your brain only uses glucose” which usually leads to “you need lots of carbs to provide that glucose.” And that’s the question today’s edition of “Dear Mark” finds itself attempting to answer: how much glucose is required?

Let’s get to it.

Hi Mark,
I have a little problem. Even though I’m able to function at work, maintain conversations, and go about my daily life without having segments of my brain suddenly stop working while eating Primal, my friends are worried about my brain. All they know is that the brain needs glucose. What can I tell them? How much glucose does my brain actually require to keep working?
I wouldn’t be too hard on your friends. They mean well and it’s a common misconception. Instead of chiding them, rubbing their faces in the knowledge that you can function quite adequately on a high-fat diet, educate them.

How much glucose the brain requires depends on the context. There’s not one single answer.
If you’re on a very high fat, very low carb diet – like a traditional Inuit diet – your brain will eventually be able to use fat-derived ketones for about 50-75% of its energy requirements. Most ketones are produced in the liver, but astrocytes in the brain also generate ketones themselves for use by neurons. You think we’d have that kind of set up in our brains if ketones weren’t useful to have around? If all we could do was burn glucose up there, what would be the point of even having localized ketone factories? Anyway, since the brain can use about 120 grams of glucose a day (PDF), that means you’d still need at least 30 grams of glucose while running on max ketones.

If you’re merely on a lower carb diet – staying under 150 grams per day or so – or eating medium chain triglycerides (coconut oil, MCT oil) to directly generate ketones, you’ll have access to ketones without being in full-blown ketosis, and your brain will be accessing some of them for energy. Take the story of Dr. Mary Newport, who lessened her husband’s Alzheimer’s symptoms simply by adding a couple tablespoons of coconut oil to his regular diet. The MCTs in the coconut oil were converted to ketones, which his brain began using. You’ll probably need more than 30 grams of glucose, but you won’t need the full 120 grams on a lower carb Primal way of eating (especially if you eat some coconut).

If you’re involved in strenuous exercise, your brain will be running primarily on lactate. Yep, lactate – that unwanted metabolic byproduct of muscle metabolism. During exercise, when the muscles are using up most of the available glucose to lift things and move a bunch of intelligent primate flesh through three dimensional space, and where inadequate oxygen (hence breathing hard) leads to incomplete glucose and pyruvate breakdown and increased lactate levels, the brain will draw upon lactate as a direct energy source. Not only that, but lactate appeared to make the brain run more efficiently, more snappily, and when both are available, the brain prefers lactate over glucose. Other research has found that the brain also prefers lactate in the hours and days immediately following a traumatic brain injury. I’m not sure how much glucose the brain requires when it’s accessing lactate, but it’s definitely fewer than 120 grams.

Of course, even when you need some glucose, that glucose needn’t necessarily come from dietary carbohydrate. It can famously come from gluconeogenesis, the process by which the liver converts amino acids into glucose. It can also come from glycerol, a byproduct of fat metabolism. In deep fasting situations, glycerol can contribute up to 21.6% of glucose production, with the rest presumably coming from gluconeogenesis. The glycerol can come from both dietary fat and adipose tissue (the authors of that glycerol fasting study even suggest that fasting burns body fat in order to provide glycerol for glucose production), while the amino acids can come from dietary protein (if you’re eating) or muscle (if you’re starving).

Overall, recent research into the metabolic demands of brain slices (“living” pieces of brains isolated and used for research) shows that incorporating other energy substrates – ketones, lactate, or even pyruvate – into the glucose solution improves oxidative metabolism and neuronal efficiency. Before you say “but this was in vitro, my brain’s not sliced up and submerged in a weird syrupy solution,” know that the whole point of the study was to better replicate the conditions of the kind of real, actual, living, thinking brains we find in human heads. The authors note that the glucose-only solution normally used to fuel brain slices in other studies is limited, because “in the intact brain, complex machinery exists that coordinates energy substrates delivery and adjusts energy substrate pool composition to the needs of neuronal energy metabolism.” In other words, glucose solution is an easy, dependable way to fuel brain slices, but it’s an incomplete representation of how brains work in heads. The authors conclude that “in slices as well as in vivo, the ability of glucose to maintain energy metabolism is limited and neuronal energy supply should be supported by other oxidative substrates.” 

So, a healthy, efficient brain is one that draws on several different fuels. A healthy, efficient brain is one that uses ketones (and perhaps lactate and other fuels) to spare some glucose. A complete reliance on glucose indicates an underachieving brain, a brain that could do so much better, a brain that could really use a coconut milk curry and some intense exercise every now and again. As far as we can tell, then, the absolute physiological minimum is 30 grams of glucose. I wish I could provide hard numbers for some of the other contexts beyond near carnivory (like basic 150 grams carbs Primal eating with coconut or maybe figuring out how to rely on lactate fueling), but the numbers don’t really matter in practice. What matters is that our brains don’t need the full 120 grams of glucose, especially if we’re following a Primal Blueprint eating plan.

I hope that helps.

Read more:

Brain Food: How to Eat Smart | LiveScience

The brain accounts for 2 percent of our body weight but sucks down roughly 20 percent of our daily calories. It needs glucose, but of a certain kind and in the right doses.

It's common to resolve to lose weight, but any sane person dreads a diet's dulling effect on the brain.
In fact, many studies have shown that counting calories, carbs or fat grams, is truly distracting — to the point that it taxes short-term memory. But how we eat can affect our minds at more fundamental levels, too.
Whether you are seeking brain food for exams or just want to be at your sharpest ever day, here are five things you should know about feeding your brain:


1. Fuel it up

The brain, which accounts for 2 percent of our body weight, sucks down roughly 20 percent of our daily calories. A picky eater, it demands a constant supply of glucose — primarily obtained from recently eaten carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, grains etc.). Only in extreme instances of deprivation will the brain use other substances for fuel.

More recently evolved areas of the brain, such as the frontal cortex (it's like the CEO of the brain), are particularly sensitive to falling glucose levels, while brain areas regulating vital functions are more hardy, said Leigh Gibson of Roehampton University in England. "When your glucose level drops, the symptom is confused thinking, not a change in breathing pattern," he said.

This is not to suggest that we should constantly slurp soda to keep our brains functioning optimally. On the contrary, high glucose levels slowly but surely damage cells everywhere in the body, including those in the brain, said Marc Montminy of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in California.
And according to a recent study published in the Oct. 3 issue of the journal Cell, by Dongsheng Cai and colleagues at the University of Wisconsin, the brain may react to excess food as if it were a pathogen. The resulting immune response, which occurs irrespective of weight gain, may cause cognitive deficits such as those associated with Alzheimer's.

Similarly, high blood sugar, coupled with a cognitive task, is associated with elevated cortisol — a hormone known to impair memory in high doses, Gibson said. In other words, don't get out the flash cards after that second (or third) piece of cake.

2. Become a grazer

The brain needs Goldilocks portions of energy: not too much, not too little.

To optimize brain power, Michael Green of Aston University in England suggests one tactic would be "more frequent but smaller meals." The brain works best with about 25 grams of glucose circulating in the blood stream — about the amount found in a banana, said Gibson.

If trading three-meals-a-day for an all-day nibble seems unappealing, unpractical or simply anti-social, read on.

3. Eat lower on the glycemic index (GI)

The glycemic index ranks foods according to how they affect blood glucose levels. Pretzels are high on the index, because they cause blood sugar to rise very quickly. Raw carrots, by comparison, have a low glycemic ranking.

Carbs in lower glycemic food are broken into glucose molecules more slowly, thereby providing a steadier supply of energy to the brain. Low GI meals, gratefully, also best satiate hunger, writes J.M. Bourre of the French National Medicine Academy inthe September 2006 issue of The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging. 
High fiber carbohydrates are relatively low glycemic but combining them with fat or protein can slow absorption even more. For example, the traditional white Wonder Bread is high glycemic; it is digested quickly, causing a stressful, and brief, spike in glucose levels. Dark fiber-rich whole wheat bread is lower on the index; its spike is slightly less sharp. But add some meat or other protein to the bread and the glucose absorption rate becomes a gentle curve. Top it off with a little olive oil and presto: brain-friendly fuel masquerading as a tasty lunch.

The key is a balanced diet, where all macronutrients — carbohydrates, fats and proteins — are given their due, Green said.

4. Know your fats

Despite fat's ability to lower the GI of a meal, not all fats are equal. Trans fats, common in fast food, are the worst.
 Still, "the brain is 60 percent fat," Green said, and very low levels of cholesterol have been associated with depression, aggression and anti-social behavior. While most people in developed countries need to limit their fat intake, "zero fat is definitely not the way to go," he said.

Essential fatty acids, such as Omega-3s, are proving valuable in treating depression and other psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia, as well as benefiting infant brain development, Green said. However, he added, the effect of supplements on a healthy adult brain is controversial. It may be best to stick to natural sources, such as cold-water fish, seeds and nuts.

5. Know yourself

Despite broad similarities, food affects everyone's brain a little differently. For example, Gibson explained, extroverts are more likely to succumb to the "post-lunch dip" – that desire to nap, or chug coffee, mid-afternoon. And size matters: Children and the very thin may feel faint or grumpy due to low blood glucose faster than an average-sized adult, explained Montminy.

Thinking about brain food is wise. But overall nutritional habits are also important. People who chronically under-eat, over-exercise or regularly skip meals can become fuzzy-headed even after a minor dip in glucose. They become sensitized to not getting enough, Gibson said.
But with the Goldilocks approach, there is no need to diet to distraction. "Every single fad diet is total rubbish," Green said, but there is merit to eating low glycemically.

Food for thought: Glucose is good for learning and memory

Some swear by protein-rich eggs and sausage, but according to recent brain research, potatoes, bread and other low-fat carbohydrates are a better bet.

March 2000, Vol 31, No. 3

It's a question students have long pondered: What foods boost performance on difficult learning tasks and tests? Some swear by protein-rich eggs and sausage, but according to recent brain research, potatoes, bread and other low-fat carbohydrates are a better bet.

The key ingredient is glucose, which boosts people's cognitive performance, according to psychologists Paul Gold, PhD, and Donna Korol, PhD, of Binghamton University, and Carol Manning, PhD, of the University of Virginia. In research described in a 1998 article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Vol. 67, p. 764S­771S), they found that it particularly improves people's adeptness at tasks involving memory and attention.

Researchers have long known that glucose fuels the brain, and have assumed that the brain always has a ready supply. But in rat studies, Gold and his graduate student, Ewan McNay, discovered that learning tasks quickly deplete the brain's glucose reserves. What's more, they found that replenishing that supply with injections of glucose helped rats learn more.

To see if the same is true in people, Gold and Korol gave elderly people and college students tests of short-term memory, attention and motor function. Before taking the tests, participants drank lemonade sweetened with either glucose or saccharin. The glucose showed strong effects: Elderly people who drank it recalled almost twice as much from a narrative prose passage as those who drank saccharin.
The researchers found a similar pattern in college students, but only when the students tackled a harder prose passage than the elderly group.

"To reveal glucose effects, the task must be difficult enough for a particular population," explains Gold. "In rats, the more of a cognitive challenge a task is, the more brain glucose is depleted."
So, what's the best vehicle for a healthy dose of glucose? Definitely not a chocolate bar, says Gold, because fat stalls the energizing effects of glucose. He also advises against eating large amounts of candy and refined sugar, "which would in any case be a horrible diet," he says.

There are other reasons not to use sugar to boost cognition. The effective dose range is rather narrow, with too much glucose impairing, rather than enhancing, cognitive functions. How much is best? That varies with people's metabolism and with the amount of glucose in their brains when they ingest it. Ultimately, Gold looks to further research to explore which meal combinations produce the right doses of glucose for optimal brain power. Knowing how it's best delivered could be particularly useful for school children, he says.

"It could help us come up with a better school meal plan and better integration of academic activities with meals," says Gold.


Contribution of brain glucose and ketone bodies to oxidative metabolism.

Departments of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA.


Ketone bodies are an alternative energy substrate to glucose in brain. Under conditions of oxidative stress, we hypothesize that ketosis stabilizes glucose metabolism by partitioning glucose away from oxidative metabolism towards ketone body oxidation. In this study we assessed oxidative metabolism in ketotic rat brain using stable isotope mass spectrometry analysis. The contribution of glucose and ketone bodies to oxidative metabolism was studied in cortical brain homogenates isolated from anesthetized ketotic rats.

To induce chronic ketosis, rats were fed either a ketogenic (high-fat, carbohydrate restricted) or standard rodent chow for 3 weeks and then infused intravenously with tracers of [U-(13)C] glucose or [U-(13)C] acetoacetate for 60 min. The measured percent contribution of glucose or ketone bodies to oxidative metabolism was analyzed by measuring the (13)C-label incorporation into acetyl-CoA. Using mass spectrometry (gas-chromatography; GC-MS, and liquid-chromatography; LCMS) and isotopomer analysis, the fractional amount of substrate oxidation was measured as the M + 2 enrichment (%) of acetyl-CoA relative to the achieved enrichment of the infused precursors, [U-(13)C]glucose or [U-(13)C] acetoacetate. Results: the percent contribution of glucose oxidation in cortical brain in rats fed the ketogenic diet was 71.2 ± 16.8 (mean% ± SD) compared to the standard chow, 89.0 ± 14.6. Acetoacetate oxidation was significantly higher with ketosis compared to standard chow, 41.7 ± 9.4 vs. 21.9 ± 10.6.

These data confer the high oxidative capacity for glucose irrespective of ketotic or non-ketotic states. With ketosis induced by 3 weeks of diet, cortical brain utilizes twice as much acetoacetate compared to non-ketosis.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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Modafinil Experience - YouTube

Uploaded on 5 Nov 2011

Modafinil is a memory-improvingand mood-brightening psychostimulant. It enhances wakefulness, attention capacity and vigilance.

It is thought to work by affecting certain chemicals in the brain that control the sleep/wakecycle. Modafinil does not make up for lack of sleep and should not be used to treat tiredness orhold off sleep in people who do not have a sleep disorder.

Increasing numbers of students usemodafinil. The benefits of modafinil and adderall as "study drugs" are modest at best. But itsconsumption at several leading British universities is quite common among students seeking acompetitive edge in exams, where drugs-testing is not yet routine.

Modafinil is used to helppeople stay awake during work hours for people with work schedules that interfere with a normalsleep routine (shift work sleep disorder-SWSD).

The US military are interested in modafinil too.Modafinil was reportedly used by Allied combat soldiers in both Gulf Wars, though this seemsunlikely to feature prominently in its future promotional literature.

Modafinil - Students Using Smart Drugs

Uploaded on 19 Jun 2010
Short news segment on smart drugs students are using to help them study, namely a drug called modafinil.  Learn more about modafinil:

Modafinil - Wikipedia

Modafinil is an eugeroic drug. It is approved by the United States' Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of narcolepsy, shift work sleep disorder[1][2] and excessive daytime sleepiness associated with obstructive sleep apnea.[3]

Cognitive enhancement

There is disagreement to whether the cognitive effects modafinil showed in healthy non-sleep-deprived people are sufficient to consider it to be a cognitive enhancer.[57][58][59] The researchers agree that modafinil improves some aspects of working memory, such as digit span, digit manipulation and pattern recognition memory, but the results related to spatial memory, executive function and attention are equivocal.[57][58][59][60]

Some of the positive effects of modafinil may be limited to "lower-performing"[60] individuals.[61] One study found that modafinil restored normal levels of learning ability in methamphetamine addicts, but had no effect on non-addicts.[62]
There is evidence of neuroprotective effects in rats.[63]


Despite extensive research into the interaction of modafinil with a large number of neurotransmitter systems, its precise mechanism or mechanisms of action remain unclear.[4][5] Modafinil elevates hypothalamic histamine levels,[6] leading some researchers to consider modafinil a "wakefulness promoting agent" rather than a classic amphetamine-like stimulant.[7] Modafinil seems to inhibit the actions of the dopamine transporter, thus leading to an increase in extracellular and thus synaptic concentrations of dopamine.[8]

The locus of the monoamine action of modafinil has also been the target of studies, identifying effects on dopamine in the striatum and nucleus accumbens,[9][10] noradrenaline in the hypothalamus and ventrolateral preoptic nucleus,[11][12] and serotonin in the amygdala and frontal cortex.[13]


Modafinil - A video report about the effects of the drug on human cognition

Uploaded on 9 Nov 2011

The Secret Society of Provigil (Modafinil) Users - Synthetic Success

Published on 3 Nov 2012

More and more American and European professionals are turning to a relatively new memory enhancing drug named Modafinil (Brand names Provigil, Modalert). In this news segment various professionals in senior management and business owners discuss their personal experience of using it..

Modafinil (marketed as Modavigil in Australia) - a real eye opener -

Modafinil (marketed as Modavigil in Australia) - a real eye opener -

May 6, 2006
Modavigil "means I can go out partying on a Friday night and still
go skiing early on Saturday morning."Modavigil "means I can go out partying on a Friday night and still go skiing early on Saturday morning."
A new drug tailors sleep to individual lifestyles but at what cost, asks Graham Lawton.
SO MUCH to do, so little time. Between a hectic work schedule and a thriving social life, Yves (not his real name), a 31-year-old software developer from Seattle, often doesn't have time for a full night's sleep. So he swallows something to make sure he doesn't need one. "If I take a dose just before I go to bed, I can wake up after four or five hours and feel refreshed," he says. "The alarm goes off and I'm like, let's go!"

Yves is talking about modafinil (marketed as Modavigil in Australia), a stimulant that since its launch seven years ago has acquired a near-mythical reputation for wiring you awake without the jitters, euphoria and eventual crash that come after caffeine or amphetamines. Yves has been popping modafinil on and off for the past three years and says it is "tremendously useful". "I find I can be very productive at work," he says. "I'm more organised and more motivated. And it means I can go out partying on a Friday night and still go skiing early on Saturday morning."

Modafinil is just the first of a wave of new lifestyle drugs that promise to do for sleep what the contraceptive pill did for sex - unshackle it from nature. Since time immemorial, humans have structured their lives around sleep. In the near future, we will, for the first time, be able to significantly structure the way we sleep to suit our lifestyles.

"The more we understand about the body's 24-hour clock the more we will be able to override it," says Professor Russell Foster, a circadian biologist at Imperial College London. "In 10 to 20 years we'll be able to pharmacologically turn sleep off. Mimicking sleep will take longer, but I can see it happening." Professor Foster envisages a world in which it's possible, or even routine, for people to be active for 22 hours a day and sleep for two.

It is not a world that everyone likes the sound of. "I think that would be the most hideous thing to happen to society," says Dr Neil Stanley, head of sleep research at the Human Psychopharmacology Research Unit in the University of Surrey, in Britain.

But most sleep researchers agree it is inevitable.

If that sounds unlikely, think about what is already here. Modafinil has made it possible to have 48 hours of continuous wakefulness with few, if any, ill effects. New classes of sleeping pills are on the horizon that promise to deliver sleep that is deeper and more refreshing than the real thing. Further down the line are even more radical interventions - wakefulness promoters that can safely abolish sleep for several days at a stretch, and sleeping pills that deliver what feels like eight hours of sleep in half the time. Nor is it all about drugs: one research team even talks about developing a wearable electrical device that can wake your brain up at the flick of a switch.
To some degree we are already adept at controlling sleep. Most people in full-time work deprive themselves of sleep during the week, deliberately or otherwise, and catch up at the weekend. We often augment our sleep-suppressing powers with caffeine, nicotine or illegal stimulants such as cocaine and amphetamines. We are also highly dependent on substances that help us sleep. According to some estimates, 75 per cent of adults suffer at least one symptom of a sleep problem a few nights a week or more. In 1998, a team from the Henry Ford Health Sciences Research Institute in Detroit, Michigan, published a study revealing that 13 per cent of adult Americans had used alcohol to help them get to sleep in the previous year, and 18 per cent had used sleeping pills.

Despite the enormous resources that we pour into getting good sleep and wakefulness when we want them, most of the drugs at our disposal are crude instruments at best. The vast majority of sleeping pills - known in the business as hypnotics - are simply "knockout drops" that put you in a state almost like sleep but without its full restorative properties. "Hypnotic-induced sleep is better than no sleep, but it isn't natural sleep," says Dr Stanley. With their addictive nature, the drugs we use to keep us awake, such as coffee and amphetamines, are even worse. In combination with our clock-watching lifestyles, these sleep and wake aids are driving ever more people into what Professor Foster calls the "stimulant-sedative loop" where they need nightly help getting to sleep and daily help staying awake.
Modafinil has changed the rules of the game. The drug is what's known as a eugeroic, meaning "good arousal" in Greek. It delivers natural-feeling alertness and wakefulness without the powerful physical and mental jolt that earlier stimulants delivered. "There are no amphetamine-like feelings," says Yves. And as Yves' way of taking it shows, being on modafinil doesn't stop you from falling asleep if you want to.

Its effects are so subtle that many users say they don't notice anything at all - until they need to. "I wouldn't say it makes me feel more alert or less sleepy. It's just that thoughts of tiredness don't occur to me," says Yves. "If there's a job at hand that I should be doing, I'm focused, but if I'm watching a movie or something, there is no effect."

People who take modafinil for medical reasons usually take just enough of the drug in the morning to see them through the day, but it also seems to be able to deliver sustained wakefulness - for a couple of days at least. "The military has tested sequential dosing," says Jeffrey Vaught, president of research and development at Cephalon, modafinil's Pennsylvania-based manufacturer. "It works for 48 hours or so, but eventually you need to sleep."
Perhaps the most remarkable thing about modafinil is that users don't seem to have to pay back any "sleep debt". Normally, if you stayed awake for 48 hours straight, you would have to sleep for about 16 hours to catch up. Modafinil somehow allows you to catch up with only eight hours or so. Well before Cephalon took an interest in the drug, French researchers in the early 1990s discovered this effect in cats, and it has since been found to apply to humans too.

How does modafinil work? "No one really knows," admits Mr Vaught. He says that Cephalon thinks it understands the drug, but is keeping the details under wraps. What is clear is that, like other stimulant drugs, modafinil prevents nerve cells from reabsorbing the excitatory neurotransmitter dopamine once they release it into the brain. The difference is that it somehow does so without producing the addictive highs and painful crashes associated with most stimulants. Several independent studies suggest that this might be because it also interferes with the re-uptake of another neurotransmitter, noradrenalin.
However it works, modafinil is proving hugely successful. Since it hit the market in 1998, sales have been climbing steadily - from $US25 million ($A33.5 million) in 1999 to about $US575 million in 2005. Cephalon insists that the drug is for treating "medical" sleepiness caused by diseases such as narcolepsy and sleep apnoea.

Even so, it's clear that modafinil is becoming a lifestyle drug for people such as Yves who want off-the-peg wakefulness. "At first I got it from a friend, and then I got diagnosed as a narcoleptic online," says Yves.

All the indications are that modafinil is extremely safe. The drug can have side effects, most commonly headaches, but up to now there have been no severe reactions, says Mr Vaught. It is hard to find anyone with a bad word to say about modafinil, except that there may be unseen problems down the line as the drug becomes more widely used. "I think it's unlikely that there can be an arousal drug with no consequences," says Professor Foster. In the long run, it is possible that casual users may have to keep upping their dose to get the same effect. Neil Stanley has similar worries. "Is it a potential drug of abuse?" he asks. "Will it get street value? We'll see."

Cephalon does not seem to be worried. Modafinil's success has spurred it to develop a successor, armodafinil. The company is also developing other eugeroics - one experimental drug called CEP-16795 switches off the H3 histamine receptor, which appears to be one of the molecular switches that controls the sleep-wake cycle. However, Mr Vaught claims that the original will be a tough act to follow. "Modafinil is very effective and very safe," he says.
"How do you beat it?"

There are ideas as to how. Last year, Samuel Deadwyler, of Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, reported the results of an experiment with a drug called CX717. The findings suggest that modafinil won't have the field to itself forever.

Mr Deadwyler kept 11 rhesus monkeys awake for 36 hours, throughout which they performed short-term memory and general alertness tests. At that level of sleep deprivation, a monkey's performance would normally drop to the point where it could barely function at all, but Mr Deadwyler found that CX717 had remarkable restorative powers. Monkeys on the drug were doing better after 36 hours of continual wakefulness than undrugged monkeys after normal sleep. When Mr Deadwyler imaged their brains with functional magnetic resonance imaging, (fMRI), he found that the drug maintained normal activity even in severely sleep-deprived individuals. The results build on those of an earlier, small-scale trial on 16 men that found CX717 could largely reverse the cognitive decline that comes with 24 hours of sleep deprivation.

CX717 belongs to a class of drugs called ampakines, which subtly ramp up brain activity by enhancing the action of its main excitatory neurotransmitter, glutamate. Cortex Pharmaceuticals, of Irvine, California, which developed CX717, originally saw the drug as a cognitive booster for people with Alzheimer's, but it is its potential to counter the effects of sleep deprivation that is attracting the most attention.

Later this year, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), based in Arlington, Virginia, will put CX717 through its paces as a wakefulness promoter for combat. In an experiment designed to mimic the harsh demands of special operations, investigators will push 48 volunteers to the limit - four consecutive nights of hard work with only four hours of recovery sleep in between.

"They'll go from being tired to exhausted to crashing," says Roger Stoll, Cortex's chief executive. For some of them, however, the ordeal will be softened by regular doses of CX717. DARPA hopes the drug will counteract the sleep deprivation.

The trial should help answer some outstanding questions about CX717's potential. "We don't know yet if it eliminates feelings of sleepiness,"says Mr Stoll. "The early signs are that people function better, their brain is a little more hyped. But we haven't tested sleepiness directly." As with modafinil, the evidence suggests that people struggle to tell if they're on the drug or not, and that hasn't turned out to be much of a problem for modafinil.
Whatever the outcome of the DARPA trial, CX717 won't be the last word on eugeroics. Mr Stoll says Cortex has similar but more powerful molecules up its sleeve. Although they are being developed mainly as memory enhancers, some may turn out to be powerful wakefulness promoters, too. Industry giants GlaxoSmithKline and Eli Lilly have ampakine programs of their own, and at least one other company, Arena Pharmaceuticals, of San Diego, California, has declared an interest in wakefulness promoters, although it hasn't released any details of its research.

When and if those drugs come through, the US military is sure to be interested. DARPA is one of the most active players in the drive to conquer sleep, setting up and funding much of the basic research on wakefulness.

The army and air force have research programs, too.

It's easy to see why DARPA is interested. "We make the assumption that soldiers are going to be sleep-deprived," says DARPA neuroscientist Dr Amy Kruse, who runs the agency's sleep-deprivation research program. "We want to know what we can do to bring them back up to the level they would be at if they had a good night's sleep."

When DARPA talks about sleep deprivation, it really means it. Soldiers on special operations sometimes have to be awake, alert and active for 72 hours with only minimal rest. That's like starting work on Monday morning and not stopping until Thursday. "Three days, that's when they really start hurting," says Dr Kruse.

The military has a long history of using caffeine and amphetamines to get its people through. It has now added modafinil to the list, and is clearly interested in CX717. Dr Kruse says she is confident that there is lots of room for further improvement.

Last year, a DARPA-funded team led by Giulio Tononi, at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, discovered a strain of fruit flies that gets by on just a third the normal amount of sleep. The "minisleep" mutant carries a change to a single gene, encoding a protein involved in potassium transport across cell membranes. Intriguingly, defects in potassium channels are associated with reduced sleep in humans, particularly in auto-immune disease Morvan's syndrome, one symptom of which is chronic sleeplessness. What that suggests, says Dr Kruse, is that new drugs designed to latch onto potassium channels in the brain could radically alter the need for sleep. There are also likely to be other molecular targets in the brain just waiting to be exploited, she says.
Meanwhile, DARPA is pursuing other strategies to conquer sleep deprivation. At Dr Yaakov Stern's lab at Columbia University in New York, DARPA-funded neuroscientists have used fMRI to image the brains of sleep-deprived people, to find out which regions are affected when you are very tired. Then they used a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) machine - routinely used to switch localised brain regions on and off - to switch off those areas and see if that reversed the effects.

"This is all proof of concept," says Dr Stern. "It's hard to imagine a sleep deprived pilot using TMS," not least because the machines are too bulky to fit in a cockpit. "The next step is to apply TMS before or during sleep deprivation to see if it blunts the effect. That has more of a shot at a lasting effect." Dr Stern says his team is also looking into a new technique called DC brain polarisation, which has similar brain-boosting effects to TMS but uses DC current instead of magnetism. The beauty of this "poor man's TMS" is that the equipment is significantly smaller and cheaper - it could even be incorporated into headgear that gives you a jolt of wakefulness at the flick of a switch. And then there's always neurofeedback - training people to activate the brain regions that get hit by sleep deprivation, effectively willing themselves awake.

The military isn't just interested in wakefulness. It also has a keen interest in the other side of the coin. John Caldwell works at the US Air Force Research Laboratory in San Antonio, Texas. He has spent most of his career testing the effects of stimulants, including modafinil, on pilots. "I'm the guy who puts sleep-deprived pilots in a plane, gives them drugs and says, did it work?" he says. He has also done a handful of studies on sleep aids - testing the best way to help night pilots sleep well during the day, for example. In recent months Mr Caldwell has become aware that there is a quiet revolution going on in sleep medicine. "There's a new idea out there," he says. "Drugs that change sleep architecture."

Sleep researchers have known for more than 50 years that sleep isn't merely a lengthy period of unconsciousness, but consists of several different brain state. How those states are put together to build a full night's sleep is called sleep architecture.

In the past, says Mr Caldwell, sleeping pills were designed not to mess with sleep architecture, although they generally do, suppressing the deepest and most restorative "slow-wave" sleep in favour of shallower sleep. Now, though, modifying sleep architecture is seen as the way forward. There are two new drugs in the offing that significantly increase the amount of slow-wave sleep. One of them, gaboxadol, made by Merck, is in phase III clinical trials and could be on the market next year. To Mr Caldwell these drugs hold out the promise of a power nap par excellence. "Maybe you can make a short period of sleep more restorative by filling it with up with slow-wave sleep," he says.
Much like modafinil, gaboxadol and the other slow-wave sleep promoter - Arena Pharmaceuticals' APD125, currently in phase II - are the start of something bigger. For more than 35 years, sleeping pills have been a one-trick pony. If you wanted to send someone to the land of nod, there was only one way of doing so - targeting the neurotransmitter GABA, which is the brain's all-purpose dimmer switch. Old-fashioned hypnotics such as barbiturates and benzodiazepines work by making neurons more sensitive to the soporific effects of GABA. It's also why alcohol makes you sleepy. Even the newer, cleaner sleeping pills, such as the market leader Ambien, work through the GABA system.
Manipulating the GABA system is a sure-fire way of putting people to sleep, but it has its problems. One is that the brain adapts to the drugs, which means that most cannot be taken for more than a few days without losing their potency. The effects often linger well into the morning, making people feel groggy and hungover.

Many are also addictive.

What's more, sleep quality has rarely been considered. "In the past we would take a hypnotic and say, does it put you to sleep?," says the University of Surrey's Dr Stanley. "That's a pretty inexact way of dealing with it. In that respect, alcohol is a good hypnotic." Now, however, there is a recognition that there is much more to sleep than the GABA system. Last year the first non-GABA sleeping pill came onto the market - the first new class of hypnotic for 35 years. Rozerem, made by Japanese company Takeda, mimics the effects of the sleep-promoting hormone melatonin. Nor is it the only one. There are at least three other new classes of hypnotic that don't go anywhere near the GABA system. And though gaboxadol works through GABA, it hits a type of receptor that has never been targeted by drugs before.

According to Dr Stanley, there is even more scope for improvement.

"It is possible that pharmaceuticals will allow you a condensed dose of sleep," he says, "and we are not that far away from having drugs that put you to sleep for a certain length of time." He predicts you could soon have tablet combining a hypnotic with an antidote or wakefulness promoter designed to give you a precise number of hours' sleep. "A four-, five- or six-hour pill."

We seem to be moving inescapably towards a society where sleep and wakefulness are available if not on demand then at least on request. It's not surprising, then, that many sleep researchers have nagging worries about the long-term impact of millions of us using drugs to override the natural sleep-wake cycle.

Dr Stanley believes drugs such as modafinil and CX717 will tempt people to overdose on wakefulness at the expense of sleep. "Being awake is seen to be attractive," he says. "It's not cool to be asleep."
Imperial College's Professor Foster has similar worries. "It seems like that technology will help us cope with 24/7, but is coping really living?" he asks. Others point out that there are likely to be hidden health costs to overriding our natural sleep-wake cycles. "Pharmaceuticals cannot substitute for normal sleep," says Cephalon's Mr Vaught.

Still, even the doubters admit that to all intents and purposes we are already too far down the road of the 24-hour society to turn back. For millions of people, good sleep and productive wakefulness are already elusive, night work or nightlife a reality, and the "stimulant-sedative" loop all too familiar. As Mr Vaught puts it, "We're already there." So why not make it as clean and safe as possible?


Smartpills: Adderall and Ritalin - YouTube

Uploaded on 5 Nov 2011
Alternitive to Adderall

Adderall is a brand-name pharmaceutical psychostimulant composed ofmixed amphetamine salts, which is thought to work by increasing the amount of norepinephrine anddopamine in the brain. Adderall is widely reported to increase alertness, concentration and overallcognitive performance while decreasing user fatigue. It is available in two formulations: immediaterelease and extended release (XR).

Adderall is also reportedly widely used as a "study drug" at many American universities. Adderall is reported to help focus energy and concentration to a much higher level than normal. It enables the user to focus and stay awake. Stories of students writing papers continuously for an unusually long time, or "cramming" all night for an exam with no loss of energy or concentration are common.

However, the user reportedly can suffer from drastic side effects the following day if Adderall was used to avoid a normal sleep pattern. "In extreme cases,the drug can cause paranoia, hallucinations and heart attacks."

William Frankenberger, psychologyprofessor at University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire, led at a study at the university in 2004 thatreported 14% of the campus had abused some form of ADHD drugs, including Adderall.. College campusesknown to be highly competitive or have a high rate of binge drinking had up to 25% of students whomisused an ADHD medication within one year, a survey of students at 119 colleges across the country concluded.

Adderall Abuse Symptoms, Signs and Addiction Treatment

Adderall Abuse Symptoms, Signs and Addiction Treatment

Adderall is a combination of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine that is used to treat the symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD. This drug is classified as a central nervous system stimulant. Adderall is prescribed by a physician who will normally start a patient on a low dose, gradually increasing it if necessary.

Adderall abuse occurs when people take Adderall for reasons other than medical need. Some people may take Adderall to help them stay up longer, for instance. For more Adderall facts and to learn about the signs of drug abuse, contact our hotline at 1-800-943-0566 to help an Adderall addict.

Signs and Symptoms

Adderall can cause side effects, and abusing Adderall can cause side effects to be more likely to occur. Some symptoms of Adderall abuse include:
  • Nervousness
  • Restlessness
  • Uncontrollable shaking of a part of the body
  • Headache
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Difficulty staying asleep
  • Changes in sex drive
  • Nausea
  • Stomach pain
  • Dry mouth
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
There are also side effects that can be severe. These may occur in rare cases when the medication is taken as prescribed, but the severe side effects are more likely to occur when the medication is not taken as prescribed. Some severe effects include:
  • Pounding or fast heartbeat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Excessive tiredness
  • Seizures
  • Weakness in the arms or legs
  • Numbness of arms or legs
  • Dizziness
  • Slow or difficult speech
  • Chest pain
  • Hoarseness
  • Verbal or motor tics
  • Paranoia
  • Hallucinations
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Changes in vision
  • Blurred vision
  • Mania
  • Itching
  • Swelling (in the case of overdose or allergic reaction)
  • Hives
  • Rash
  • Blistering or peeling skin
These side effects can be dangerous, so it is important to seek emergency help as soon as possible or to consult your doctor immediately. For information on your local emergency services, intervention specialists or to talk with someone who can help you understand the side effects of Adderall, contact our hotline at 1-800-943-0566. We can help you get the help you need to stay drug free.

If you suspect an overdose, call 911 or your local emergency services. Some symptoms of overdose include:
  • Feelings of panic
  • Restlessness
  • Hallucinations
  • Quickened breathing
  • Uncontrollable shakes
  • Confusion
  • Coma
  • Dizziness
  • Irregular heartbeat

For more info and articles about the symptoms of overdose, contact our 24-hour hotline at 1-800-943-0566. Our staff can help you understand the ways Adderall can affect your body, whether it is taken as recommended or recreationally.

Effects of Adderall Abuse

Adderall abuse facts indicate that Adderall abuse can lead to more serious side effects. Adderall problems like tolerances, dependency and addiction can occur when the drug is not taken as directed. Patients are more likely to overdose and to cause harm to their bodies when the drug is misused.

Adderall Abuse Treatment

Knowing the facts about Adderall can help prevent needing treatment by preventing addiction. However, if you or someone you know needs treatment for Adderall addiction, rehab centers can help. Rehabilitation centers will help by providing detoxification services and will aid in treating patients for psychological addictions as well as physical.

Adderall Statistics

According to SAMHSA’s National Survey on Drug Use and Health, also called NSDUH, approximately 6.4 percent of fulltime college students between the ages of 18 and 22 used Adderall in a recreational way in the past year. On top of this, 89.5 percent of students who reported Adderall abuse also participated in binge drinking in the past month, and over half of those students were heavy abusers of alcohol.

In 2006 and 2007, the NSDUH reported that students going to school fulltime between the ages of 18 and 22 were two times as likely to have used Adderall recreationally, opposed to those in the same age who do not go to school full time.

Students who were in college fulltime using Adderall for recreational purposes were also recognized as being three times as likely to have used marijuana, and they were eight times more likely to have used prescription tranquilizers recreationally as well.

Teen Adderall Abuse

Teen Adderall abuse is common because of stress and time management issues at college. If you help your child learn about the dangers of Adderall abuse and better ways to manage time, activities, homework and other school-related items, he or she will be less likely to need the drug to stave off sleep.