Thursday 6 June 2013

Unbelievable mental sharpness - 10 Unexpected Benefits Of Nutritional Ketosis Besides Weight Loss

10 Unexpected Benefits Of Nutritional Ketosis Besides Weight Loss
Unbelievable Mental Sharpness and Focus

3. Unbelievable mental sharpness

Don’t you just hate that brain fog that tends to overcome you at the worst possible times in your life? Man oh man, I sure do. It used to hit me really hard, especially in the afternoon, even after eating what I thought was a pretty decent low-carb meal. But ever since I started pursuing and being in a constant state of nutritional ketosis, this no longer happens to me. I have the most incredible mental acuity that

I’ve ever experienced .

If I had realized how much clearer my thinking could be by being fueled almost non-stop by ketone bodies instead of sugar, I would have made this switch a long time ago. I recently heard a lecture given by Nora Gedgaudas from who said people who eat a ketogenic diet have 39% greater blood flow to the brain than those fueled by glucose. That’s HUGE and explains why brain function is optimized when you are in nutritional ketosis.

You’ll never fully understand this key health benefit of NK until you experience it for yourself. Get your blood ketones above 1.0 millimolar on a consistent basis and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about.

Jimmy Moore in Australia
jimmy moore: 2013