Saturday 22 February 2014

Russell Blaylock, M.D. - The Skeptic's Dictionary -

Russell Blaylock, M.D. - The Skeptic's Dictionary -

...immunization can be credited with saving approximately 9 million lives a year worldwide. A further 16 million deaths a year could be prevented if effective vaccineswere deployed against all potentially vaccine-preventable diseases.*
Russell Blaylock is a trained neurosurgeon who considers himself an expert on nutrition and toxins in food, cookware, teeth, and vaccines. Contrary to the vast bulk of the scientific evidence, Blaylock maintains that vaccines such as the H1N1 vaccine are dangerous or ineffective; that dental amalgams and fluoridated water are harmful to our health; and that aluminum cookware, aspartame, and MSG are toxic substances causing brain damage.1,2,3

Science-Based Medicine

further reading

Wallace, Amy. (2009). An Epidemic of Fear: How Panicked Parents
Skipping Shots Endangers Us All, Wired.

To hear his enemies talk, you might think
Paul Offit is the most hated man in America. A pediatrician in
Philadelphia, he is the coinventor of a rotavirus vaccine that
could save tens of thousands of lives every year. Yet
environmental activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. slams Offit as a
“biostitute” who whores for the pharmaceutical industry. Actor
Jim Carrey calls him a profiteer and distills the doctor’s
attitude toward childhood vaccination down to this chilling
mantra: “Grab ‘em and stab ‘em.” Recently, Carrey and his
consort, Jenny McCarthy, went on CNN’s Larry King Live
and singled out Offit’s vaccine, RotaTeq, as one of many
unnecessary vaccines, all administered, they said, for just one
reason: “Greed.”

Journalists sink in The Atlantic article on vaccines
blog by
revere (the article in question is "Does
the Vaccine Matter?
" by Shannon Brownlee and Jeanne Lenzer,
November 2009)

"Holistic Dentistry": A Brief Overview
Stephen Barrett, M.D.
William T. Jarvis, Ph.D.

Experts dispel detox myths
: "One group gave up processed
food, soft drinks, alcohol, salt, sugar, caffeine, wheat, red
meat and dairy, and the others followed their normal diet. After
seven days, toxicologists found no difference in their liver and
kidney functions or vitamin levels."

Vaccination: A Conversation Worth Having by Bill Maher
responds that he read Microbe Hunters when he was eight

Muddled Thinking from Bill Maher by Stephen Novella
deconstructs Maher's "rambling defensive diatribe in which he
simultaneously protests the criticism pointed his way while
repeating and amplifying the pseudoscientific nonsense that
garnered criticism in the first place....the criticism will
continue – not to shut him up, but to do damage control. Maher
is contributing to the public misunderstanding of science in
perhaps the most important area – medicine."

Last updated