Monday 16 September 2013

Billy Connolly undergoes treatment for the 'initial symptoms' of Parkinson's Disease | Mail Online

Billy Connolly undergoes surgery for prostate cancer... as it's revealed he is also being treated for the 'initial symptoms' of Parkinson's Disease | Mail Online

Illness: Billy Connolly is being treated for the 'initial symptoms' of Parkinson's Disease 

Parkinson's symptoms differ from case to case but often include a tremor or fine shake while the person is at rest, rigidity of muscles, slowness of movement and unsteady balance.

Other possible symptoms can include memory loss and earlier this year, Connolly admitted he had started to forget his lines during performances.

He said: 'This is f****** terrifying. I feel like I’m going out of my mind.'
His show in April at the Waterfront Hall in Belfast, was the most recent example of his failed memory as it was marred by a few forgetful moments where he asked the audience what he was talking about.

Each time Connolly attempted to brush it off by starting a new story or apparently curse at his act by saying: 'This is f****** awful. I can’t remember what I was saying. I get wee gaps and just stop.'

Parkinson's is a chronic neurological disorder, characterised by a deficiency of  dopamine.

Actor Bob Hoskins announced his retirement last year after being diagnosed with the disease.